Connect to Your ROAR
Chidiogo Akunyili-Parr

Photo by: Darius Bashar


My name is Chidiogo Blessing Akunyili, which translates as ‘God (Chi) is gracious with blessings and my cup overflows’.

I write stories and help people live theirs fully.

I believe in the potential of humanity to evolve in consciousness founded on the humanist African philosophy of Ubuntu — 'I am because we are’.

I believe that stories help us connect to the truth of our shared humanity.

I founded She ROARs with the belief of the power of women connecting to the power of our truth and intuition — the power of our ROAR. 

On this journey I have supported several hundreds on their self-actualization journey. 

My desire is to bring clarity and perspective needed to unlock and anchor your full potential. 

Allow me to guide you to your truth that you might connect to your own inner teacher — the power within which I term your ROAR.